Model E Busnought (VCLHR)

Model E Busnought40′29(0)29(16)6543

Power Plant15
Bus Power Plant
Tires15Bus Tires
Armor PositionFrontF/LeftF/RightB/LeftB/RightBack
Armor Slider151010101010Armor = Total Build Points * 1.5 rounded up

Bus Structure124540′ Bus, VCLHR
Structure22Standard Steel Plate*, Front
Structure555 x Light Steel Plate*, F/Left, F/Right, B/Left, B/Right, and Back
Weapon34Turreted Recoilless Rifle*, Front: Crew Area
Weapon33Turreted Particle Beam*, Back: Crew Area
Weapon42Linked Standard Machine Guns*, Front
Weapon42Linked Standard Machine Guns*, Back
Weapon22Standard Machine Gun*, F/Left
Weapon22Standard Machine Gun*, F/Right
Weapon22Standard Machine Gun*, B/Left
Weapon22Standard Machine Gun*, B/Right
Weapon12Concussion Mine Dropper*, Back
Accessory11Targeting Computer*, Front
(Cargo)(0)Up to 7 Passengers (7) Durability, F:Cargo Area
(Cargo)(0)Up to (9) Cargo Durability, B:Cargo Area

*CW6E Card
Source: CWDE (pg. 60)

See Build RulesCW6E House Rules: Buses