CW6E Questions

Re: Question – can dice be required on low-risk moves?

Source: Car Wars Forum

Sam Mitschke

Chief Creative Officer

A driving roll is required at the end of every movement point. When you have fully spent a movement point, check the requirements for your driving roll:

1) Add a number of [blue dice] equal to the highest-level terrain beneath the rectangle on your car base. If you are overlapping multiple terrain levels, only add dice for the highest level —*terrain effects are not combined.

2) Add any dice indicated by all hazards beneath the rectangle on your car base. Unlike terrain, hazard effects are cumulative, so when overlapping multiple hazards, they all affect your driving roll.

Note that some hazards (Oil, for example) do not add dice to your driving roll, but have effects that apply to the end result of your driving roll.

3) Add any dice required by the difficulty of the maneuver you just completed. If your intended maneuver was shortened (by a collision, for example), only add dice for the difficulty of the maneuver you actually performed.

Note that driving straight and slight turns are not maneuvers, so they do not contribute to your driving roll.

4) Roll all required dice and resolve any re-rolls you may have available.

5) Add any effects required by hazard cards. This leaves you with the final result of your driving roll, which you must then resolve (see Maneuvering Results).

It is possible that your driving roll consists of zero dice and no effects. In this case, the driving roll is resolved and you can move on.

Re: Rules Question: Multiple Accessories

Source: Car Wars forum


Originally Posted by NexusGameTheory Can a car have both an “off-road suspension” and the “rugged suspension” or the “dynamic suspension”?

Rules for accessories say they can’t have the same name. The full names are different. But the bolded part is the same “suspension”.

I couldn’t find any clarification in the rulebook and just wondered if I missed it somewhere as to if the “name” is the entire part or just the bolded part?

Additionally, for upgrades, it says they can’t share the same name OR subtype. I am assuming subtype is the word after the dash ie “frame” in the cards with “upgrade – frame”. It is just never specified where I can find it that the word after the dash is indeed the subtype?

From Sam”

“You can absolutely equip multiple suspensions, yes! The names are indeed different, despite the small-print-over-large-print text style, and they do not have a subtype (which IS the second word following the hyphen — the rules left that unfortunately ambiguous).

We only put restrictions for cards in places where we saw potential game-breaking exploits. We didn’t want to restrict anything JUST because it was thematically strange. I know it’s a little unrealistic to stack suspension parts like that, but it totally works. If it helps, think of it as combining suspension capabilities into a much beefier single suspension.”__________________

Philip Villarreal
Warehouse 23 Manager
Steve Jackson Games

Re: Rules Question (6e) – Autopilot Card

Source: Car Wars forum

Sam Mitschke

Chief Creative Officer

Yep. Pay 3 ace tokens to place a control token on the card. You can’t put more than one control token on the card, but it stays there until you need to spend it.

It’s more like an indicator light to show that, whenever you want to pay 1 less control token, the autopilot can handle that for you. It’s never part of your pool of control tokens, so it isn’t returned at the end of the round.

And yeah, it seems expensive at first, but it’s actually balanced using the same math that balanced the weapons. The value of that control token spikes and diminishes based on your circumstances, though, so it’s not as clear-cut.

Re: Rules Question – Repeated items on internal damage cards

Source: Car Wars forum


Originally Posted by HeatDeath On the internal damage cards for large games, some of the cards have a repeated line: e.g. “Weapon Limit 1” followed by another “Weapon Limit 1”.

Am I allowed to apply the point of damage from the second line to the same weapon I applied the damage point from the first line to, or do they have to be different weapons if possible?

[There are also cards with repeated “Accessory Limit 1” lines for which the same question arises.]

From Sam:

“You can apply each separate point of damage to the same item if you choose. It’s broken out as two lines on the card to make it clear that you are not REQUIRED to apply it to the same thing.

Damage card B2, as a counterexample, has “Weapon — limit 2” on it. You must apply the second point of damage to that same weapon in this case.”__________________

Philip Villarreal
Warehouse 23 Manager
Steve Jackson Games

Re: Rules Question – Repeated items on internal damage cards

Source: Car Wars forum


Originally Posted by HeatDeath I would expect, per normal, that any damage left over from executing a particular line on the internal damage card just flows to the next line, similar to how damage left over from “Opposite Armor – Limit 5” flows down to the next line once the armor is destroyed.

Yeah, damage keeps applying to items in the sequence on the card. If the power plant is reduced to 0, that car is eliminated and out of the game.


Chief Executive Officer

Re: Accessories clarification

Source: Car Wars forum


Almost 100% sure the accessories work for all non-sidearm guns. The side placement just forces you to decide how to defend the accessories.

Re: Accessories clarification

Sam Mitschke

Chief Creative Officer

To keep the card layout cleaner and avoid walls of text, we made a general system, and then only put exceptions in the text for cards that require it. Cards that exclusively affect one other card, for example, would have likely been given their own type or restriction, and they would all function in the same way. They’d probably also have red reminder text on them, much like we did with turrets and the EXCLUSIVE restriction.

Re: Question about Ramplate Wording vs Bumperspikes

Source: Car Wars Forum


Originally Posted by 43Supporter On that basis: Should all Walls be classed as “heavy obstacles”?

Heavy obstacles can be moved and provide 1 free shield for cover – walls cannot be moved and provide 3 free shields and can totally block line of sight.